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 3773考试网 - 计算机等级考试 - 试题答案 - 正文


来源:招生考试网 2006-10-12

 (81) M.Jackson suggested the data structure oriented software design method. Which of the following structure can be introduced by using input/data structure? (2 points)
A) algorithm structure B) procedure structure
C) code structure D) program structure
(82) Software testing is acomplicated procedure.In the following testing method,which is the basic test lf software testing?
A) system testing B) effective testing
C) element testing D) integrated testing
(83) Typical MISD (multiple-instruction single-datastream) computing mode is
A) Pentium Ⅱ B) Alpha C) Systolic D) Staran
(84) Local bus can reduce the occupation time of CPU. For the PCI local bus, commonly the time can be reduced to
A) 46% B) 26% C) 16% D) 6%
(85) There are many page replacement algorithms in page management.The most frequently used algorithm is
(86) The technology

for carrying out multiple processing by means of multiple pipeline is called (2 points)
A) Superscalar B) Superpipeline
C) Multiple pipeline D) Very long instruction word
(87) In most WANs ,the network contains numerous cables or telephone lines, each one connecting a pair of
A) hosts B) routers C) servers D) networks
(88) Three concepts are central to the OSI model:Service,Interface and
A) Iayers B) Applications C) Protocols D) Networks

(89) The underlying technology that makes B-ISDN is called
A) ATM B) Frame relay
C) SDMS D) X.25 Networks
(90) URLs have three parts: the DNS name of machine on which the page is located,then a local name uniquely indicating the specific page and (2 points)

A) protocol B) IP address
C) Network name D) Server name

二、论述题 (两个论述题可任选其一,且只选其一,多选无效,满分30分)
论述题 1
⑴ 用无向简单图描述以上事实 (6分)
⑵ 证明:对于每个人都至少有另外6个人与他同时做的试验是同一个试验(9分)
⑶ 证明:存在3个人同时做过同一个试验 (15分)
论述题 2
⑴ 试陈述软件测试的基本任务和方法。 (6分)
⑵ 简述黑箱测试和白箱测试的内容和方法。 (10分)
⑶ 陈述软件测试过程的基本组成,并介绍各种测试对象的测试内容和方法(15分)

(01-05) BCABA
(06-10) BCADC
(11-15) CBCBC
(16-20) DBDDC
(21-25) CDBDD
(26-30) CBACC
(31-35) BADAD
(36-40) BBCDB
(41-45) DADBC
(46-50) DBACA
(51-55) CBDDB
(56-60) CACDB
(61-65) DDABC
(66-70) CABBC
(71-75) DDACA
(76-80) DCBCD
(81-85) DCCDB
(86-90) ABCAA

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